The Dialogues in Humanity in Ethiopia, in Dire-Dawa: "Building bridges to live together", mobilizes a large international delegation.
From 23 to 25 February 2024, an international delegation from France, the United States, England, Mali, Niger, Tunisia, Madagascar, Djibouti, and many other countries converged in Ethiopia. The occasion? The Dialogues in Humanity, in Dire-Dawa, Ethiopia, an exceptional event entitled "Building bridges to live together". A meeting of global initiatives committed to promoting peace, tolerance, and intercultural, inter-religious and intergenerational dialogue.
The members of the delegation had the opportunity to meet H.E. Mrs. Sahle-Work ZEWDE, President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, and H.E. Mr. Rémi Maréchaux, French Ambassador to Ethiopia and to the African Union. These talks laid the foundations for a series of visits with the official authorities to discover the cultural, economic, and diplomatic sites of Addis Ababa, the dynamic capital of the African Union.
The delegation then had the honor of visiting the towns of Dire-Dawa, an emblem of peace, brotherhood, and tolerance, and Harar, a UNESCO world heritage site. Under the leadership of H.E. Kedir JUHAR, Mayor of Dire-Dawa, and H.E. Ordin BEDRI, President of the Harar region, a warm reception was organized at each stage of the trip.
The event was enriched by several workshops on themes and topics ranging from the poetic arts to diplomacy, peace and conflict resolution, food security and climate change, the economy, sport, empowerment, health, climate, youth, and associations. Speakers included Mr. Vincent AVANZI, poet, CEO la plume du Futur, Mr. Shoki ALI SAID, President of Dialogues en Humanité, Association France Éthiopie Corne de l'Afrique, Father Christian DELORME, Priest, actor in inter-religious dialogue, Mme. Hiwot AMARE, Executive Director of the NGO N4ED, Mme. Zehra AINSEBA, Secretary General of Dialogues en Humanité, Mr. Mohamed ELMAOULOUD AG HAMID, Tuareg climate action advocate, Dr. Mulu MULETA, international expert in obstetric surgery, Mme. Neima L'HOSTIS, Entrepreneur and President of an association providing aid to destitute women and children, Mme. Genet TERRADE, Vice-President of the Association France Éthiopie Corne de l'Afrique, Mr. Auryan-Brook, student at Sciences Po Paris, Mme. Guemar SALEM, President of the Matwa dans le monde collective, and Mme. Azeb YUSUF and Mme. Méron Nedasa, health entrepreneurs, shared their knowledge and experience.
The event was a resounding success thanks to the support of numerous volunteers and institutional partners, including the Administration of Dire-Dawa, Harar, the French Embassy in Ethiopia, the University of Dire-Dawa and the Alliance française de Dire-Daoua. Partners from associations such as France Éthiopie Corne de l'Afrique, N4ED and Dheemal, as well as companies such as Birra Coffee, UNO, Hal Engineering and Nafisife International, are also contributing to the success of this edition of Dialogues en Humanité in Ethiopia, in Dire-Dawa.
The combination of inspiring ideas and initiatives reaffirmed the importance of dialogue in building bridges to a better future, where regional, continental, and international cooperation are the keys to sustainable prosperity. The Dialogues in Humanity in Ethiopia, in Dire-Dawa, from 23 to 25 February 2024, undeniably helped to promote these ideals, constituting an important step on the road to a more humane and integrated world.